The Tory Burch Foundation
From across 36 different cities and 13 industries, 50 women entrepreneurs have been accepted into the 2020 Tory Burch Fellows Program. Each Fellow will receive a $5,000 business education grant and access to an online community of support.
Tory surprised the 50 founders with the news that they had been accepted to the year-long Fellows program. “As we all know, one of the hardest hit sectors of the coronavirus crisis has been small businesses. Last week, I was reminded of the resilience and ambition of women entrepreneurs on a Zoom call with our new Tory Burch Foundation Fellows,” says Tory. “Listening to them speak about their companies and goals demonstrated once again that women are a great investment and together we can create opportunities, help build each other’s confidence and businesses and change the world.”
With incredible demand, and thousands of applications annually, the program could not have come at a more critical time for these small businesses.
Traditionally, the Fellowship begins at the Tory Burch offices for a week of workshops, networking and mentoring from business leaders. To ensure everyone’s safety, we pivoted to create virtual programming to help these women entrepreneurs navigate the challenging economic environment.